Tag: overseas

Staying healthy in the less developed countries

I am a month into a seven month stay in Asia, primarily India. As I am settling in to my routine here, I am repeating some practices I have learned over the years in order to protect my health. Since I have friends and family coming to India later this year (and I will also be leading a workshop in India early next year,) I thought I would share my particular approach to staying healthy in the developing world. This really is one of those examples of “your mileage may vary.” Read More

Safety tips for working in less developed countries

I work a lot in the developing world, partly because my wife is from India. Before we met, I was also working a lot in the nether-reaches of the globe because personal projects and paying work took me there. A friend just asked me if I had any tips he could incorporate into his working process as he heads off to Mexico. The challenge for me in writing this blog was not coming up with advice but rather with figuring out how to explain those things that I do almost automatically when I am photographing in places like India, Guatemala, Vietnam or Turkey. Read More