Tag: variation

Ten views, one sunrise, Bangalore, India (a video)

For a recent sunrise in Bangalore, India, I used ONE camera (with an intervalometer) which took one picture every eight seconds and then the camera made ten different versions of that same image using the built in art-filters. These creative image processing options (or art filters) alter the image to look like a line drawing or to mimic cross processing, pin hole, diorama, etc. In the final video, I show you the unaltered sunrise and then I use about six seconds from each of the ten different versions of the time lapse piece, all showing different parts of the same sunrise. I play them sequentially in the finished the video which goes through all ten video filters during the video. Read More

Which camera do you use and why?

I just finished up a great road trip to California where I was photographing and teaching. Throughout the trip I was using my Olympus PEN cameras constantly. The reaction that my cameras drew was fascinating. Many of the students were very interested in what I was using because of the size of the cameras and lenses. Half the pros I encountered smirked at my “tiny” cameras. The other half wanted to know more. Nearly everyone asked the same question, which went something like “which camera do you use and why?” Read More

Golfers, psychotherapists and photographers

The legendary golfer, Jack Nicklaus is supposed to have said: “Golf is 90% mental.” So, you are asking yourself, what does golf (a sport I normally have no interest in) have to do with photography, the pursuit that I love? More than I ever thought, actually. Read More