Tag: resources

What’s new: A few new resources….

What’s new? Actually, lots of stuff! This blog entry is a series of blurbs about new things I came across that I think would be of interest to most photographers. Every time I see something new and interesting I cut and paste the URL into an ever-growing list. When that list gets too big I gather the best stuff and share it. Read More

Resource pages updated on The Wells Point

I just spent a good deal of time updating the resources pages on The Wells Point. I also added a couple new categories. The whole point of the resource pages is to introduce photographers to the world of opportunities and resources available to them. Some enable photographers to show or sell imagery while others suggest ways to fund the production of such work. Some of the resources recently changed their URLs, while others have gone out of business. Those can be found starting at https://www.davidhwells.com/resources/ Read More

Shameless self-promotion

I am writing today about a variety of resources for photographers. Of course, the major one that I am thinking about is The Wells Point web site. Yes, this could easily be interpreted as a shameless self-promotion. I prefer to think of it as an information-advisory about all the valuable things on the site. Read the whole post and then you decide. Read More

What is new on The Wells Point?

The big news on The Wells Point site is the completion of the photographer’s resource pages. You can start to explore those at: www.thewellspoint.com/about/ I have information there (with extensive links,) on artist’s residencies, copyright, fine-art promotional venues, grants, software and stock photography, as well as another twenty-something different categories of information. Read More

What every photographer should know about model releases

Model releases seem to be the source of more confusion than almost any other aspect of photography for aspiring (and established) professionals. I am asked about them during every class or presentation that I give. The irony is that model releases are remarkably simple. Read More

Doing it for money

Here are a few more great resources on the business of photography for those interested in “doing it for money.” Read More

Business Resources

Probably because I make my living as a photographer, I talk a lot about the business side of photography. Read More